I was printing masks for my local hospital when suddenly my smoothieware board bit the dust!
I never had very good luck with this board, nothing can be fixed easily on it when steppers break etc. I upgraded to a more modern solution, the SKR 1.4 Turbo controlled via Octoprint running on a Raspberry Pi 4.
While I was replacing the controller and cleaning up the burnt table I replaced all of the old 2525 aluminum extrusion with new 2020 from Misumi. I got the aluminum corner pieces from RobotDigg.
The new dimensions were slightly large to get more of the print surface inside the triangle for better print accuracy. I upgraded to the e3d volcano hotend for faster printing. I also replaced the old frankensteined SeeMeCnc carriage rollers with linear slides from ebay.
I also got an enclosure made by a family member to keep the temperatures inside up and to also dampen the noise.