Aftermarket kits for adding ambient lighting to cars from Amazon scream a little too loud for me. With silly startup animations or lighting that can’t really be considered “ambient”, I set out to add modern looking OEM ambient lighting.
I found these lights that seemed to fit the bill. The F-150 has a single wire that runs around the truck providing the lighting voltage for things like the shifter selection and gauge cluster (think anything that the brightness is controlled by the dimmer switch). Unfortunately this line doesn’t go into the doors. Since there is a large multi wire connector in the door jamb simply running a wire into the door wouldn’t be possible without hacks like drilling holes. I wasn’t about to spend hundreds of dollars on official Ford pigtail connectors, so after lots of research and acquiring the wiring diagram for the truck using this awesome open source ford website scraper I was able determine I needed these male and female wire terminals to run the dimmer wire through the existing connector. Since disassembling these connectors was quite a chore I installed a few more wires for future projects, like adding a 360 camera to the truck. This left a nice OEM looking install. In hindsight I could have also gone to my local junk yard and taken one out of another similar truck. This was the female connector and this one is the male connector. I ordered a large two dozen for $16 shipped.

Once through the door I drilled holes and inserted the LED lights in the door handle and down below to illuminate the cup holder area. Once I was happy with the positioning I glued the lights so they would not come undone.

Once installed the LED brightness was controlled via the truck’s original dimmer switch, creating a very nice OEM experience!