Category Archives: Programming

Using jQuery UI with MVC Bundling

Utilizing MVC’s bundling abilities is a great way to minimize the bandwidth required to run your site. By automatically minifying and compressing css and js files into one “file” the browser downloads, the amount of time spent gathering required resources to render a page can be minimized.
I ran into an issue where jQuery UI’s calendar was requesting additional resources like png and css files from the server that MVC’s minification was not set to handle.

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Styles/Global").Include("~/Content/Site.css",
                .IncludeDirectory("~/Content/themes", "*.css", true)
                .IncludeDirectory("~/Content/themes", "*.png", true));

Adding in the


includes all css and png found in the directory on the server. The


parameter tells the method to recursively scan the folder for all files matching the wildcard.

WordPress Max Upload Size 2MB??

What is this, a server for floppy disks? I have images I host larger than 2MB. I couldn’t figure out why modifying my site’s root php.ini wasn’t affecting the upload page the way it should.

I created a info.php file in the wp-admin folder and placed the following text in it




After navigating to the site I found the server was pointed at a different php.ini!

Alas! the file was in C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.4

I opened up the file in that directory and modified the fields to what is listed below:

post_max_size = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 32MB

After restarting IIS I was able to upload larger files.